Building a dry stone retaining wall is a challenge and we at Kettle Valley Stone Company have years of experience to assist you with all of your needs.
The great virtue of stone retaining walls that are mortar-less is that your “drainage system” comes built-in: water will usually seep through the cracks between the stones. When damage from water pressure does occur, it can be repaired easily enough. Another advantage in building terraces of this sort is that you do not have to sink a “footing” beneath the frost line, as you do when using concrete or stone and mortar.
Contact us:
Toll Free: 1-877-670-7625
Western Canada Sales & Kelowna Enquiries
Marty Pope
204 Cambro Road
Kelowna, BC, V1X 7T3
Direct 250 979 8871
Email: marty@kettlevalleystone.com